Everything’s going fine
Everything’s going fine
Everything’s going
My hands are red from the cold
clouds of steam from the mouth
I keep on walking
My white headphones the only ones to giving me comfort
I feel my heart beating in sync with the synth
Leaves cracking under my boots
Here into the wild I finally breath
I’m all alone and all this is mine
All this, is nobody’s
Underneath the tree’s crown
Nobody can tell me
Nobody can boss me
Nobody can bother me
But now trees are naked.
Here I finally breath.
I’m a twig
I’m a shrub
I’m an ancient baobab growing up taller and taller
I’m a flower 
I made my decision
I’ll live here with my feet In the air
I’ll disappear
Sheltered here
Where sky’s always pink and leaves are soft.
Große Fuge

Große Fuge
